20240324 瑜伽,是“劫走”内在魔力的“仙盗”!

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Vasanas is our major foe. As Yog Sadhakas and Adhyatmika Sadhakas, we need to be robbed by a robber. A mystic saint says, 

Divinity is the robber here. There is no burglar like Rama-Krishna-Hari. There are no robbers like Bhagavan and Bhagavati !


The precept of Gita says, Kama and Krodha, the major foes of spiritualism, reside in the senses. The bunker for demons such as Kama and Krodha are in the senses. Yog Technology takes into consideration this fact.


No limb in the eight-fold Yog is specially for the body or mind but one of the limbs which is Pratyahara, is especially for the senses.


节选自《帕坦伽利瑜伽经之研究/三摩地篇》(Study of Yog Sutras–Samadhi Pada)

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