20240407 我们的瑜伽,是向内还是向外?

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व्युत्थाननिरोधसंस्कारयोरभिभव प्रादुर्भावौ 
निरोधक्षणचित्तान्वयो निरोधपरिणाम: ।।९।।

vyutthānanirodhasaṁskārayorabhibhava prādurbhāvau 
nirodhakṣaṇacittānvayo nirodhapariṇāmaḥ. (9)

The inhibitive/sublime/suppressive/quietening modification called Nirodha is the conjunction of the Citta with the moment of Nirodha when the outgoing and restraining potencies disappear and appear respectively.


The human psyche is made up of two potentials (Saṁkāras). These are Vyutthāna meaning outgoing and Nirodha meaning restraining. Like the two sides of a coin, these are the two sides of the human psyche. On one side it is: quiet, serene, sublime, noble, tranquil, philosophical, inhibitive, sedate, passive etc. These are called Nirodha aspects. 

The other side consists of: activity, turbulence, agitation, viciousness, vibrancy, mercurial nature, restlessness, reactive nature, mundanity, materialistic nature etc. This is called Vyutthāna or outgoing. These are two aspects of Saṁkāras of the human mind/psyche (consciousness). 


( *Saṁkāra/Sanskara是指前世行为打下的烙印。)

The Nirodha Saṁkāras raise up the structure of Yogika endeavour and Vyutthāna Saṁkāras detonate and antagonize Yogika endeavour and draw one towards mundane and materialistic activity.

Therefore, the quietening or restraining modification occurs when Nirodha appears and Vyutthana disappears in the cyclic rotation of potentials…like the cycle of day and night.



(The Study of Patanjali Yog Sutras/ kaivalya Pada)

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