20240317 艾扬格瑜伽,为何以《瑜伽经》做理论基础?

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‘Our’ Ashtanga Yog is a means for essential Astanga Yog.

Un-Yogic conduct has high clemencies, inner gravities, external drives, charities and encouragements. While Yog becomes more difficult than it intrinsically is…small obstacles (Vighnas) in up track trading are great problems than big Vighnas in down track trading.


We have certain and frequent obstacles and hinderances in our Yog Sadhana … we encounter interferences, obstructions, disturbances, dwindling, distractions, dissipations, etc. Internally we have an alien army of Rajo-guna and Tamo-guna, by way of laziness, languor, Vasanas, Vitarkas (impediments), Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya, sensuality, craze, delirium, turbulence, passionateness, Vrtti-missiles, Klesha-jungle, unrest, disturbing memories. Our resoluteness is punctured and devastated.


Patanjali provides a well-defined pathology and diagnosis of these obstacles to stratagise our combating. Our battlefield is inside rather than outside. In the materialistic life, the battlefield is outside while in spiritualistic life, the battlefield is inside.


(Study of Patanjali Yog Sutras—Samadhi Pada)

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